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15.10.10The Tender TrapRhyme is a secret snare, like nectar for a butterfly collector.
14.10.10Dogs and Seals'Ensure dogs are in good operating condition and seals are tight.'
Zoophilic found poetry from the U.S. Navy Diving Manual. 11.10.10Cat Tax'Dare he do it? We understand that since the meeting held last week to propose a tax on cats, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, has received a deputation on the subject.'
Cartoon by W. K. Haselden, 5 July 1904, Daily Mirror. 10.10.10Ad AstraI actually feel significant when I look at the night sky, because I know that the stars are too far away to ever matter.
6.10.10Kazoo MusicFamous composers of kazoo music include Zizaldi, Zozart, Zaint-Zaëns, and Zage. Probably.
5.10.10A Kiwi, Crying Its Pure, Milky Tears2.10.10Discussiondiscussion, n., from L. discus < Gr. diskos (quoit) + -ion, an exchange of blows, as by hurling discuses; fig., a conversation.
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