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It may have been 'unprecedented temerity' (given what I think I know, & what others know they think), but Philadelphia & friends again made an unimpeachable showing on New Year's Eve & Day. Being in Philadelphia, a city I don't know very well (like all cities), always provokes me to think about the phenomenon/a that is/are a city. What do I know? I don't know, but I'm apparently wrong. Fran Lebowitz on New York City's Golden Age [fourth item]: 'Today the city is preoccupied with food. In the 70's, we were preoccupied with sex. It was a moment of total hedonism with no consequences, no AIDS. And there was birth control and little thought of getting married. Now, a 25-year-old knows 70 kinds of sushi, but at what expense? A youth spent on restaurants is a youth misspent. [Fuck you, Erik Kennedy. You are pretentious and unfun.]'

Now, a highly exclusive list of categorized personal highlights from the past year, 2004, in fact, the time of my greatest ever urbanity:

Best weather: early snow in Cambridge
Best self-definition: 'swine'
Best bar companion: edging 1664, Newcastle Brown Ale
Best of the rest, cities: Paris
Best semi-regular engagement: pub quiz, Dbar
Best guffaw: Ian accidentally swigging a bottle of piss, if I'm remembering the year correctly
Best chortle: Amy dropping her phone in the toilet
Best actual query leading to my site: erikkennedy.com + penis
Best misunderstanding: being thrown out of the bar for triggering a lightswitch
Best dining (dinner): edging Tabla, Mesa Grill
Best dining (lunch): edging Union Pacific, Pizza City
Best dining (general): home
Best acquired expression: oojah-cum-spiff
Best party drug: wasabi peas
Best code string: 'Bestooks like he mig1=rniz1erre sro.n" Yessery yea"wesrBe1erre boffs:.'
Best book of poems read: Matthea Harvey, Sad Little Breathing Machine
Best online read: edging ITV-F1, Curbed
Best song my tongue stuck out to: Paranoids, 'Zombie on a Leash'
Best gift received: edging everything else, money
Best waste of time: wanking
Best place to be be struck by a line for a poem: (tie) shower, toilet
Best meme: '[Blank], an American Tradition'
Best sign read: 'Greg Samsa Landscaping'
Best epiphany: grad school is ridiculous, or as I said in April, a 'horrible fuckup'
Best (most totalized) jag: Election Day
Best (most tenacious) jag: Princeton Reunions
Best pilgrimage: edging Poets' Corner, Monaco
Best blog entry: Colonize Antarctica
Best fleeting joy: hair

Erik Kennedy
Erik Kennedy


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