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3.2.05Afghanistan Webmaster(N.b. the material for the following post was gleaned by word of mouth. No porn was watched during the making of this post.) 'It is a phenomenon that has perplexed me for some time. Every so often, I'll come upon a photo gallery that will not display the expected pictures but instead bristles with dummy thumbnails & pictures bearing the inscrutable legend: Afghanistan Webmaster Has Stolen My Pics! For instance. At the time of this writing, neither Google nor Yahoo offer answers to the essential questions (not even a SINGLE RELEVANT HIT): who, who on earth, is Afghanistan Webmaster? if he exists, even as a handle (it's just not possible), how can he be so anonymous, invisible to search engines? how can said Afghanistan Webmaster STEAL pictures, distinct from merely DUPLICATING pictures? why is this the subject of an alert? what is the danger in clicking the links? there aren't even links! if this is all god-affronting malarky, what's the point? This is Information Society, friends! He now exists. I want Afghanistan Webmaster to be the new Mahir.'
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