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16.5.13Beck the CartoonistBeck the cartoonist delights me more than Beck the musician. But it's not a competition! They are both cool in their own ways.
Beck the cartoonist has honoured me by illustrating two of my tweets again recently. 'I drive a small car to compensate for my even smaller car.' 'If they take away our freedoms, I hope someone nice gets them.' The second one, especially, I think, is marvellous. I was talking about the hideous things Bloomberg and Ray Kelly were saying just after the Boston bombing, about doing what's necessary to protect us by searching us all the time, by profiling, by claiming that the Constitution may need to be changed because 'we live in a complex world where you're going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days.' I was also thinking of the police surveillance culture in New York in general. All in that tweet. Maybe that's why people liked it. I think Beck has compressed my anxieties into a visual metaphor that is both instantly effective and haunting. And funny! Everyone loves a fish in a cartoon. Cheers, mate, I say! And thank you. |
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