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22.11.13'We Find the Couplets Alternately Black and Red'There was once a magazine just for this chap.
'I can not imagine why this new international quarterly is called Form, unless it is meant as a form or style-book of various specimens of typography; for the aspect of the periodical reminds one of nothing so much as of specimen pages of typography and inks from The Inland Printer. The typography ranges from cold font type to many different varieties of hand-lettering. It is not quite exact to say that no two pages are alike, but of the verse at least it is true that no two adjacent contributions are printed alike; nor, in one instance, is one page confined to a single style of calligraphy. Some of the poems are printed throughout in black ink; others with red titles and capitals. A poem by T. Sturge Moore is all in red, and in Charms, by W. H. Davies, we find the couplets alternately black and red.' ('A New Quarterly,' a review by Alice Corbin Henderson of Form: A Quarterly of the Arts, in Poetry, Vol. VIII, No. 6, September 1916) |
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